I am both surprised and proud that my last submission did as well as it did. It didn't get front paged or reach blue, but it's my personal best score, and seeing it come out of the testing period with a green highlight was really nice to see.
I periodically have odd funny ideas, which usually end up going to waste due to needing a visual aid for them, but not being artistic enough to draw it. Flash animation seems to open up an area for me that i can use to express those ideas. Entertaining people is something I really enjoy, which is also something I don't get to do much working in water treatment. Plus my own voice being as slow and monotone as it is, I'm lucky to have friends with good voices.
I decided for the sake of future videos I'm going to rip apart all the sprite sheets for LoZ: minish cap for right now, after recoloring Link for red, blue, and dark versions, that was a LOT of cutting, so far 5 hours have gone into it, and I have about 8 sprites completed and the rest are still cut but not assembled. Extremely tedious but hopefully it will help save time for the making of future videos.